Complete & Unconditional Surrender to God
the precipice of growth
the wind screaming
I strive to find the calm waters,
thrashing around
fists clenched
a caterpillar comes to my doorstep
lackadaisically making its way along
what do you have to tell me?
there are no obstacles
only opportunities
is the grueling climb worth it?
it always is
but the tossing and turning?
everything has a reason
for the season
fear not, fret not
you do not have to understand it all
the journey is here for you
the wind now slapping
with no rhythm
no longer grabbed by my shoulders
and shook violently
stillness in flight
a becoming
of grand proportions
is taking place
will I ever get there?
that’s not the point
a disjointed jolt
please, human mind
don’t revolt
divine presence
the closest thing to surrender
letting go, letting be
so that I may see
steadfast and true
that You are here for me
now wait a second
do You create my thoughts or do I?
how much responsibility can You really claim here?
All of it
what’s it?
as if preparing for a battle call
I gather the energy of All
so that even if I fall
I stay enthralled
the layers like bark
peeling away
as a bear claws for honey
past times runny
now drenched in yolk
a voice so strong it spoke
thank You
the hummingbird’s caress
I digress
Remember to Talk With Creator