And How We Got Here

Roger - 28 years old

Hello and welcome! I am a health and wellness coach focused on natural approaches to healthy living. My intention is to support, empower, and inspire health and vitality in individuals, families, and communities through the fundamentals of holistic health and well being.

I believe life is a gift. We are here for only a moment. We are given the opportunity to embrace responsibility and live an open, fulfilling, connected, and meaningful life.

Living a healthy life is an integrated experience. There are fundamental pillars of healthy living that work together to improve how we feel today and tomorrow. Simple practices such as exercise, nutrition, time in nature, and rest all have synergistic effects on health, longevity, mood, and quality of life.

Each person has a unique way of life that evolves as they grow. Everyone will have their own preferred approach to healthy living. Some prefer to cook large family meals. Others love time in the gym. The work is to identify and prioritize our values, and to integrate health practices into our life sustainably. This allows for genuine, long term change.

Through content, coaching, and community, I connect people with simple solutions to living a naturally healthy life.

Health Coaching Certification through The American Council on Exercise

In Progress

Regenerative Leadership Program and Regenerative Design Lab through Nrhythm Regenerative Design Institute

March 2023

Life Purpose Coaching Practitioner Certification through The Priority Academy recognized by the Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA)

November 2022

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a dual emphasis on Finance and Accounting, Minor in Economics at University of Colorado at Boulder

May 2018

Certified Yoga Instructor through CorePower Yoga

April 2018

Amanda Joy - 28 years old

Hello there! I am a Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner. I resonate with being an energy worker, light worker, and ultra sensitive empath. I am an old soul with a child-like faith in Creator, miracles, angels, being in the trees, high altitudes, animals, and EFT. My faith in Jesus is my foundation.

When I was 18 years old I began to understand how Jesus wanted me to use my gifts to fulfill His purpose. Even when I thought I was straying away He was really leading me back to Him. My own journey through darkness with Jesus to find the light led me to the hypothetical tools I keep in my tool box today.

My own awakening and walk with Jesus, as well as what is innately within me, is what inspires and fires my passion to support others in the feel-to-heal process.

I feel called to work with women and children, in particular those that are in or have been in the foster care system, as well as those in the Native American community. I believe that inner child work is the root of learning where sense of safety comes from and where core beliefs are formed about self and the world.

There is guidance to be listened to that speaks from within. What do you have to say, with or without words? I am here to support and empower. The love within me serves to show you all that you are through the eyes of Creator.

Liberty University MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

August 2023 to Current

EFT & TFT Tapping Practitioner Certification through The Priority Academy recognized by the Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA)

January 2022

Naropa University BA in Somatic Psychology, Minor in Art Therapy

May 2021

EFT Level 1 & 2 Training with Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques (AAMET, now known as EFT International)

May and September 2018

Our Vision

Creating A Safe Space So That The Spirit May Be Found Within Each One Of Us

Every Story, Every Process, Every Experience Has Purpose

Our Values

communication : community : compassion : connection : embodiment : embrace : empowerment : faith : growth : health : integrity : intention : listen : love : respect : support : transcendence : transmutation : transformation

How Do You Relate To Energy?

We see energy as the force that underlies everything and is everything.

These vibrations, resonances, and dissonances are always occurring whether or not we directly experience or feel them.

Learning to recognize this felt sense can be done by practicing awareness and discernment, while listening to intuition.
