Being ‘In The Ring’

When we talk about being ‘in the ring’ we’re referring to a concept brought up in a talk on Netflix by Brené Brown. The ring is not a fighting ring - rather it is embodied presence, listening to the callings of your inner and outer experience. In this embodied state we practice vulnerability and in vulnerability we find courage, bravery, and growth.

The idea of being ‘in the ring’ is that we can choose to show up to and embrace life, or we can sit back and watch life go by. It is facing all of life’s challenges with embodiment and awareness from a heart centered perspective. It is honoring what comes up from within during our present moment experience. It is listening to all arisings even when you don’t like what is coming to the surface. These arisings are coming from a place of inner guidance. We can choose to ignore or honor these arisings.

Being ‘in the ring’ is finding what you’re willing to stand for and standing for it. It is being the captain of your own ship steered by the sovereignty that is freedom. It is taking up all the space you need in this vast, expansive, infinite sea of energy. ‘In the ring’ you let go of your ego and believe in yourself with the knowing of the divinity that is your being. You have the courage to jump in before you know how to swim. Your faith allows you to be at peace knowing that everything happens exactly as it’s meant to be. You are surrendered to, connected to, and empowered by the flow of life.

This is a check-in built on self-understanding that we can come back to in our relationship with ourselves and each other.

“Am I ‘in the ring’ today?” “Are you ‘in the ring’ today?”

A true relationship with others in any capacity requires that both individuals show up fully. We owe it to our soul to show up fully for ourselves and others, to use the unique gifts and abilities that we have been given. Think about how you would want someone else to show up for you and embody that. Love yourself enough to know what you deserve.

Remember to be gentle with yourself when being “in the ring” is painful. We get knocked down, but we can always get back up again, our hearts are still beating, lungs are still breathing.

What would it look like for you to live ‘in the ring’? What one thing can you do today to step into ‘the ring’?

If you have a Netflix membership and have not seen Brené Brown: Call to Courage, we highly suggest you check it out!


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