Values To Return To In These Times

When you think about what in life matters to you, what comes to mind? What do you treasure or hold close to your heart? What do you really value?

Values are a guiding compass that leads us in living the life we actually want to live. They are the beacons of light that bring us back to center when we find ourselves out at sea. They remind us of what does not matter so that we can let go. They offer perspective and guidance; they support us and connect us; they become our reality, our way of life.

Loving life can be a value. Cherishing every moment can too. We each decide our values, as well as have them intrinsically wired within us, whether we are aware of it or not. Embracing our values connects us to the freedom that allows us to live fully. This expansive nature of embrace opens us up to to a feeling of energetic empowerment and enlivenment that comes with living life to its full potential. In the act of sharing our values with each other we support one another in reaching that full potential. How can you implement your values in a way that best serves the collective human experience?


Faith is remembering to be in connection, not control. It is the bedrock of connection to Source.

Having faith is listening to the felt sense within that everything is exactly as its meant to be, even if we can’t see it yet. In faith is the release of judgement, fear, suffering, and shame, making space for gratitude, self-love, and compassion. Faith does not come from miracles, rather it is miracles that come from faith.


We have so much to be grateful for.

Gratitude is the great transmuter. As Tony Robbins says, we cannot be fearful and grateful at the same time. Gratitude dispels fear, relieves anxiety, and reminds us that life is beautiful. Gratitude can be practiced by simply reminding ourselves of what we are grateful for.


Be a joy machine.

By this we mean generate, create, and harness so much joy in your own life that it can’t help but pour over anyone who comes near you. Joy can be found anywhere if we only open our eyes to see it. Through laughter, movement, and interaction we can find threads of joy woven throughout. Inner child work brings us in touch with the sense of joy that caters to our imagination, awe, and curiosity.


You are the only one that can do what you are here to do.

There is no one just like you and there never will be. The embodiment of purpose is living the way of the warrior. It is honoring our intuition and paying attention to the signs that appear on the Path. These signs are there to help us carry out our divine mission. Purpose is the peak expression of passion, will, and energy from the core of who we are.


The facet of resilience we want to highlight is the ability to prevail in the face of change.

In resilience there is courage, perseverance, adaptability, and willpower. To be resilient is to handle whatever the winds of life throw our way with grace. Resilience is found when we look at life’s trials as an opportunity for growth and learning. Through resilience we are able to find the light lessons in the darkness.


Create time to journal and reflect on your values and what they mean to you. Use them to learn how to better relate to yourself and others. Let your values become a lived present experience. What can you bring more of into your life?


Living With Faith


Being ‘In The Ring’