Living With Faith

The journey, in all of its infinite various expressions through every unique Soul, can be embraced fully through Faith.

This embrace in Faith means you have to let go of a few things. Let go of control. Let go of fear. Let go of desire. Let go of ego. Let go of the things that keep you deluded in separation from All Things. Through the courage of letting go we open to true bravery, strength, and sense of self. Once we have let go, Faith awakens within us the honor of living the reality of a more-than-physical life. Faith then comes to us in times of disconnection, serving as a reminder to stop giving attention to what does not matter and come back to the only thing that does matter: God, Source, All, Universe - what ever you want to call it.

Faith frees us from the disturbances, negative emotions, and suffering that may otherwise cloud our connection to the more of life. Faith is believing that there is indeed more to life that meets the eye. What “more” you choose to put Faith towards is up to you. In Faith we exalt the highest good and release all that does not resonate with it. It is our choice and responsibility to honor what is more and to have Faith in it and in ourselves through whatever circumstances arise. Faith is a returning to the realization that we are all vessels of God, Source, Our Creator and through this understanding we are free from fear and open to miracles.

An EFT mentor to Joy once told her a story of a discussion she had with a Nigerian pastor about the concept of having Faith in what we cannot see. This was during the course of doing his rounds at a hospital. He asked the question, “Without a mirror can you use your eyes to see your ears?” He continued, “No, but you have faith to know they are there.”

The pastor’s message cuts away all of the wonderings and the what-ifs. Faith may sound elusive, but the reality is that Faith is always available right here, right now. Faith is intuitive. It is not over thought. It is a way of being.

Use the following mantra to invite Faith into your life:

“I close the door on fear, I open the door to Faith.”


The Winds of Change


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