The Winds of Change

Change is always present. It is happening in every moment, rippling through every level of existence, from microbes to galaxies. It is always on time. It is always for us.

Life unfolds through change. Like the metamorphosis of a butterfly, it is how we break down, grow, evolve, and transform. We unwrap the cocoon of our awakening daily to reveal the gifts that have been given to us as we allow change to be a catalyst for growth. Change exists in harmony with the process. The winds of change weather away the useless filler we consume or engage with because we think we need it. They test us to see if we will allow ourselves to be overcome by fear or stand steadfast in Faith.

Change can be uncomfortable. We may meet it with resistance or try to change the way things go, but the truth is that even in resistance we are still exactly where we are meant to be. What stands in the way of change is our self-inflicted or self-proclaimed “stuff” and our human mind with our attachments and created obstacles. It is okay to let go. It only makes room for more of what makes you you. We can take that risk and make that leap. You don’t have to wait for change for it is always present. You have the power to act in synergy.

We are never given a challenge that is beyond our realm of ability. We are however often challenged beyond our comforts or even our beliefs. Our Creator has perfectly placed every detail. What is for you will come to you. In the Now we connect with what is so that we may be One with the ever-present flow of change. In the Now is where we find reverent joy for the unfolding of the present moment.

What if we all believed we were born again every morning? What if we all allowed change to free us from yesterday, so that we may fully embody our Divine nature today? With the embrace of this perspective we are free. You can release whatever you may be carrying, offer it to the winds of change, and allow yourself the freedom to be You. Let change come, welcome what is.


Cultivating Self-Love and Self-Worth


Living With Faith