
When we live from a place of integrity, we meet every level of existence with a vibrational truth from our soul that permeates throughout all areas of our life.

Integrity shares its Latin root with words such as integral, integer, and integration. The Latin root of the word, integritatem, means "soundness, wholeness, completeness”. In a lived sense, integrity comes from a place of no difference between what I say and what I do. It is the calling to live true to ourselves, true by our word, and true in our relationships. It is the moral truth within us that expresses itself through lived values.

Ralph Waldo Emerson stated that, “Every action is measured by the depth of the sentiment from which it proceeds.” Virtue fuels a life lived with integrity. How much moral value do your actions hold for you?

The road to integrity is paved with honesty, authenticity, confession, forgiveness, courage, and strength. To live in integrity, we must be honest with ourselves, others, and God. We must forgive to release whatever has kept us out of integrity. From this vulnerable space of release, we embrace courage boldly as we repent, changing our ways. Attuned with our truth, within our heart arises the strength to live our values, embody our unique purpose, and honor our word.

If we want to live a meaningful life, we must be forgiving enough to set down what no longer serves us and strong enough to pick up our integrity. Our perception is creation. Life meets us at our energetic level of expression. What we resonate becomes our experience. When we live with integrity, we manifest reality in alignment with our soul.

The Golden Rule, given during Jesus’ teachings of The Sermon On The Mount, is as follows:

“Do for others what you would like them to do for you.” (Matthew 7:12)

This is the foundation of lived integrity. At a deeper level, it means be for others as you would like for them to be for you. Live the values that feel best aligned with your truth, and let those values meet you in your world.

To live in integrity is to wear our values outright as we engage with the world. It is to listen fully within and honor ourselves in whatever arises with compassion and gentleness. Nobody’s perfect, it’s okay to make mistakes, that’s where the learning happens. Lived integrity is where authenticity and purpose meet challenge and compassion. Integrity is innately always here, always available. We simply must choose to live it.


The Inner Child


Respecting Resistance