Respecting Resistance

Resistance is the defiance, stubbornness, hesitancy, or holding back that comes before action. With resistance, it’s important to have patience. The path to healing and growth, or any journey, is not a straight line. There is an ebb and flow. The healing process does not need to be rushed, forced, or pushed too quickly. If something does not feel right, do not do it. Your intuition knows best.

You are always on time in the organic unfolding of your journey.

Sometimes we may find that we are frustrated when we are met with resistance. The truth is that resistance serves a purpose, it is here for you. It is our protective mechanism that says, “Stop, I can’t go there right now.” In resistance, we meet ourselves at our boundaries. Respecting our resistance gives us space to cultivate discernment, teaches us what our boundaries are, and ultimately creates resilience. It is a practice of self-care. When we honor our resistance and listen to what it has to say we build a greater understanding of our inner landscape.

Resistance can reveal subconscious ways of thinking, or projections from others, that are rooted in fear and keeping us from our growth and healing. This can happen especially right before a great leap into the unknown. Our own mind, our incessant thoughts, our inner critic, likes to try to sabotage us sometimes. It can take hold of projections from others, identify with them, and replay them as our own thoughts and feelings. Discern whether you are perceiving genuine intuitive resistance or fear that is not coming from within. Both experiences can be honored. When we discern between the two, we are given the opportunity to let go.

Practice discernment by asking your resistance, “Why are you choosing to show up in this situation? Has my overthinking mind created this perception? Is this a product of a lingering phrase from another that has led to a core belief? Are you here to support and assist me in healing, growing, and embodying my purpose?”

With resilience, strength, and self love, we can shift our core beliefs and overcome unhealthy resistance. The places we resist are sometimes the places we need to feel into. You need to see the dirt in order to clean the house. Resistance could be the precipice of growth. Approach it with lightheartedness and gentleness in inquiry. Listen to your inner guidance with curiosity, trust, and loving awareness.

“Gut feelings are guardian angels.”




The Way of the Warrior