The Way of the Warrior

In the act of standing upright, vulnerable as human beings, we allow our feeling and thinking centers to be exposed to the world before us: the gut, the heart, and the brain. This vulnerability is part of the embodiment of the warrior, meaning to be human is to be a warrior.

Each of us has a warrior within. It is an honor and a responsibility to embody the warrior. The warrior within guides us from a place of calm and acts from patience and stillness. They are grounded, yet spontaneous when needed. They are strong, but balance peace and force with grace. The Japanese warrior, Samurai, draw a bow and in the same breath draw calligraphy. They pick their battles and in the same breath pick flowers from the Earth.

The way of the warrior is more than just the Warrior archetype in the King, Warrior, Magician, Lover quadrated psyche from Neo-Jungian psychologist Robert Moore. To live the way of the warrior is to embody all of these archetypes as the space and calling for them arises. Another Jungian story often told is the hero’s journey. The way of the warrior can be viewed as the mature hero. The hero is devoted to their story, while the warrior is devoted to their purpose. The hero embodies ego, while the warrior embodies service. The warrior within wants to be seen, heard, honored, and embodied.

The meaning of the warrior was discussed in depth through The Jaguar Path School of Yoga and Shamanism. The following framework is based on the information shared by Ray Crist during the course of the training.

The way of the warrior aims to free us from our suffering. It is about our personal power, the fulfillment of our purpose, and the way we show up in the world. This could look like ‘Being In The Ring’ from one of our previous posts. The way of the warrior allows us to access our full potential in working with the world as a co-creator. It means treating the world as transmutable and pliable, there is nothing that cannot be worked with. The warrior displays confidence and clarity in their actions. They are not fooled by fallacy and can easily recognize its face. The warrior is never a victim, knowing that dawn is always near when it is dark. They see all of life’s hardships as opportunities to learn and move forward. The warrior knows that these difficult states are not everlasting, it is a choice to stay with the unpleasant. They have a deep sense of gratitude for all that life brings. When living the way of the warrior, there is absolute liberation.


A warrior listens actively, and speaks truth.

A warrior does not mix thinking with feeling, expelling confusion.

A warrior does not run from pain. They know it well and make peace with it.

A warrior does not see situations as favorable or unfavorable, rather they accept what is as is.

A warrior does not find it necessary to fight or resist the world, for their obstacles guide their direction.

A warrior met with resistance assesses the situation again and continues to move forward and manifest their dream.

A warrior practices unbending intention and boundaries, there is a high standard of morals and ethics.

A warrior knows that they are limitless, unconfined by the habits or paradigms of society.

A warrior does not have “frustration” or “not possible” in their vocabulary.

A warrior does not need all the answers to what remains unrevealed.

A warrior’s greatest navigator is the heart.


Respecting Resistance


Shadow Integration